‪Zanjirning bir qismi uchun Om qonuni‬

‪Zanjirning bir qismi uchun Om qonuni‬ is an interactive sim. It changes as you play with it. It has a Play Area and a Control Area.

In the Play Area you find the equation for Ohm's Law, V equals I times R, and a circuit. Voltage and resistance sliders allow changes to the equation and circuit. In the Control Area, a button allows users to reset the sim.

Right now,

  • voltage, V, is 4.5 volts
  • resistance, R, is 500 ohms
  • current, I, is 9.0 milliamps

Look for voltage and resistance sliders to play, or read on for details about equation and circuit.

If needed, check out keyboard shortcuts under Sim Resources.

Play Area

Ohm's Law Equation

Voltage, V, is equal to Current, I, times Resistance, R.

In equation, letter V is much much larger than letter I and comparable to letter R.

The Circuit

A pair of wires connect a resistor to a series of batteries. In circuit,

  • batteries supply 4.5 volts
  • resistor shows a medium amount of impurities
  • very small arrows indicate a current flowing clockwise at 9.0 milliamps

Slider Controls

Voltage and resistance sliders allow changes to equation and circuit.

Control Area

Sim Resources